Location Search

We search for beautiful locations that can be the scenarios of series, survival reality shows or adventure, action films, among others.

Our book includes waterfalls and lagoons like; Limoncocha or Cuyabeno, and rivers such as the Napo and Santiago that are tributaries of the Amazon river, caves such as the famous Tayos caves, forest landscapes, and the rainforest that withholds the exuberant Amazon jungle fauna and vegetation, as well as native communities like the Woaorani, Huaoranis.

Production Services

We are able to facilitate customs process through temporary admission of equipment in the country, permits to film in National Parks, Woaorani / Huaoranis territory, search of locations, equipment rental, qualified crew, cameras, drones, microphones, lighting, production logistics, post production services, fixer.

Urbano Films fixer, producer and locations in Amazon

Fixer, productions, locations in Amazon

Urbano Films